Hello, I am Paola!

Junior developer with a creative soul and a soft spot for visual arts and design. Proactive and "passionately curious" about new technologies and trends; I actively participate to tech-meet-ups, conferences and workshops to keep updated.

Born and bred in Naples, now living in London. I have a diversified background in Languages, Cultural Exchanges, Tourism and Marketing. All my previous experiences were a step forward to coding.


  • CSS/CSS3
  • HTTP Protocol/APIs
  • Web Responsive Design
  • javaScript
  • ReactJS
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Version Control/GIT

Projects on the Wall

ARTGET's landing page

Product landing webpage for a digital painting shop. 

  • HTML5,CSS3, javaScript
  • The responsiveness is achieved using viewport and media queries
  • The navbar is animated with Vanilla JS
  • A small form is added at the end of the page to receive the user information

Daily to do List

App to track your daily tasks. Once the list is rendered the user can strike-through or remove the item/value from the list.  

  • The app uses ReactJS library and JSX, HTML and CSS
  • Functionalities: add, remove and strike-through
  • The logic of the components creates a list, rendered with a li element each time a value is entered in the input field

Survey Form

This is a simple survey page.  

  • entirely made with HTML and CSS
  • e-mail validation logic using HTLM5 built-in function
  • dropdown option and check-box menu

GIT User's ID finder

The app search a GIT user's information.I have added some function to the codebar tutorial.  

  • CSS, HTTP Protocol, AJAX, JS, APIs
  • Using request method retrieving user id number, link to the profile and avatar
  • Additional function: user's number of repository, message if no user is found, test input resets, once the query is sent.